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I always believe in one thing. We all are in the path of learning something new everyday. It isn’t wrong to tell others how to, but it is important we remind ourselves of the things we have learnt. And, how is it possible if we don’t write it down? This poor article was in the drafts, for a long time waiting to be published. The resisting thought about publishing this was, am I fit enough to tell you people what to do, when I am also trying to follow it? So, I present you this article with the thought that we will both learn together. :)
People always have said things to console you. The one thing you all must have heard "Don't worry. You have great ideas. Ideas matter". But they aren't the only thing that matters.
You have to make ideas happen.
Why do we worry about achieving some goal?
First, everything is hard. At the start, you even found 'walking' harder. Getting up on your own legs and taking the step one by one was hard. But you did it. You eventually started walking and it became fun. And now, it seems normal, doesn't it? You never notice the fear in walking which was once a hard task! Why? 'cause you did it over and over again. Imagine each task in your life is taking the next step. To be true, we had more faith in ourselves when we were young. A constant push to walk, read, laugh, get onto to your first tricycle, dance, sing, and almost everything. It was that everyone and everything in the world supported us. No-one said, "don't walk your child" or anything negative. Even if there were a million children in the world taking that first step, we never felt the competition. We didn't have the constant need to prove someone. We wanted to prove ourselves.
That was the motto. But over the days, the perfect picture became puzzled. Because when you grow, you grow into a world of ego, jealousy, backstabbing and much more. To live with such surroundings, some cultivate them and some oppose them. When you oppose a behavior, you may adapt to counterattack. When a person shouts at you, you eventually shout at them harder to prove that you are not what they say you are. There is where the formula goes wrong. You are proving them what you are by expressing it in a way that doesn't define you. Anger. Rage. Sadness. All these emotions overflow and at the end, people define you on how you behave. So never do something that you don't like doing.
The thing is there are people who don't determine you as such. To reach that position, you gotta stop thinking what others say about you. Don't overthink. Be yourself. Just as white is pure, so is black. Be yourself in the purest form you can be. Everyone is a color. Everyone has a shade. And their shade determines where they stand in the future.
Back to the walking part, it was tough. You got through it. Everything you undergo in your life is the next step. You had the courage to walk, why not now? Bring that courage and do it ☺. The worst that can happen is that you may fall. You have fallen a lot of times when you learned your first steps. Yet you laughed and walked again, learning to improvise. So when you fall, you improve.
I am in no position to say you to believe yourself because I don't do it most of the time. Belief is something easy to adapt and it is easy to lose too. When do you believe you can do it? When people say you can do so. Alas! People come in here too. Why can't we let things be to ourselves? I have been asking this question myself a hundred times. Appreciation is an addictive thing. We need it all the time, but we never give it to ourselves. We believe ourselves when an event makes us do so.
Suppose you are a person who has an interest in Mathematics. You pursue it as a course only when you know you are able to solve problems or have the determination to do so. It goes the same way for everyone. When you are able to do a fragment of the task perfectly, then you believe you will do it. As I said, as much as believing yourself is easy, so is losing belief. This can even happen simultaneously. This is just a differentiation of thoughts(Just as the half full and half empty glass logic). Cling to the positive thought. When you fail, you lose that belief; But that doesn't mean you can leave it. You can hold on. Trial and Error method. Remember? So many trials to get the correct answer. That's what you should follow. This is something I have been trying to do. Try it yourself!
The word "complicated" has become a buzzword. Everyone has complicated lives, only the level differs. These complexities happen due to a series of events which sometimes just occur without any reason. The only escape from this complex life is to either solve it or wisely slip out of it. We always try to solve the problem but there are people who won't budge. And in such cases, you have to slip out. Get a life. We often say such things.
You only need to Create yourself a place to live in harmony and peace, following your dreams. Overcoming hurdles can be tough. It may be that one thing that fears you the most. Whatsoever, you need to keep in mind that you get only one chance and you gotta live it(leaving behind the theory of 7 lives for each soul and all). So face them bravely. If it is a family member stopping you, explain to them why it is important and how it will change your life. Show your perspective of the life you need. If there is any valid point in why they stop you, then reconsider whether your decision is appropriate. Then be confident to speak up. Things automatically fall in place.
Time is limited. It is difficult to achieve everything in one go. If you juggle everything together, you just can't have it all. One ball at a time. And moreover, things have priority.
Another truth one has to accept is no one is productive all the time. Leisure is also an important part of one's life. Productivity is not the enemy of your leisure time. When you do your hobby, it doesn't mean you are less productive. Sometimes you need to do things that make you happy. This is when you define yourself as a human, rather than a machine. Time management is easy, as long as you don't keep on thinking about the consequences. We often waste time by worrying about what would happen if we made specific decisions. What is the worst thing that could happen? Things will become better, and everything is just a phase. It will change or you will get used to it. Believe that the hard phase will pass. It will. After all, everything you see, everything you feel is based on your perspective. As long as you see the glass half full rather than half empty, you are good to go. There are some challenges in life that you can only solve. Find them, and you will find your alchemist.