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After all, we need a little pain!

Pain for the greater good

The most thing every person fears is the pain of not achieving something they always wanted to or the pain of losing a person who is precious. Whatever be the situation, we push away all our problems and ignore them. We cling on and on to it because of the fear of losing it forever. The question is simple- So what? What if you lose it? What if you fail? Why not give in the pain? After 20 years of core learning on the life issues which the education system never talks about, I came to a conclusion that it is okay to fall, to let go and start over. There are so many critics who analyse your life as if they have had lived the perfect one. No one gets to determine what type of a person you are. Only you can choose what you want to be. Drown into the grief. Don’t make it haunt you. Deal with it and suck it up. Misery and Pain is needed. It is a feeling that pushes you to do more. Explore yourself and cherish every moment. You are unique and someone different. Embrace your talents and improvise. Again and again. Use your rage and grief to achieve more.Never let anyone pull you down or the crown falls! A heavy heart isn’t useless. It tries to prove itself to the world. Take your time. Deal with it asap and embark your journey. Adieu!